What Calendar Does Russia Use In 2024?

October 2024 Calendar with Russia Holidays
October 2024 Calendar with Russia Holidays from www.generalblue.com


When it comes to calendars, different countries follow different systems. Russia, for instance, has a unique calendar system that follows the Julian calendar for certain religious celebrations and the Gregorian calendar for civil purposes. If you’re planning to visit Russia in 2024, it’s essential to know which calendar system the country follows.

What is the Julian calendar?

The Julian calendar was introduced by Julius Caesar in 46 BC and was widely used in Europe until the introduction of the Gregorian calendar in 1582. The Julian calendar is based on a 365-day year, with an extra day added every four years for leap years.

What is the Gregorian calendar?

The Gregorian calendar was introduced by Pope Gregory XIII in 1582 and is widely used across the world for civil purposes. The Gregorian calendar is also based on a 365-day year, but with a more accurate leap year system that adds an extra day in years divisible by 4, except for years divisible by 100 but not by 400.

Which calendar does Russia use in 2024?

In 2024, Russia will use the Gregorian calendar for civil purposes. This means that all official holidays, business days, and government events will follow the Gregorian calendar system.

What about religious celebrations?

While the Gregorian calendar is used for civil purposes, the Russian Orthodox Church still follows the Julian calendar for religious celebrations. This means that Orthodox Christmas, Easter, and other major religious events will be based on the Julian calendar.

Why does Russia use two calendar systems?

Russia’s use of two calendar systems dates back to the 16th century, when the country adopted the Julian calendar. However, when most of Europe switched to the Gregorian calendar in the 18th century, Russia remained loyal to the Julian system for religious reasons. It wasn’t until 1918, after the Bolshevik Revolution, that Russia officially adopted the Gregorian calendar for civil purposes.


Knowing which calendar system Russia uses in 2024 is essential for travelers, business people, and anyone planning to attend government events in the country. While Russia uses the Gregorian calendar for civil purposes, it still follows the Julian calendar for religious celebrations. Understanding these calendar systems and their history can help you appreciate the cultural and historical significance of Russia’s unique calendar system.

Question and Answer:

Q: Can I use the Gregorian calendar for religious celebrations in Russia?

A: No, the Russian Orthodox Church still follows the Julian calendar for religious celebrations.

Q: Does Russia have any unique holidays based on its calendar system?

A: Yes, Russia has several holidays based on its Julian calendar system, including Old New Year’s Day and Orthodox Christmas.

Q: Why did Russia adopt the Gregorian calendar for civil purposes?

A: Russia officially adopted the Gregorian calendar for civil purposes in 1918, after the Bolshevik Revolution, to align itself with the rest of Europe and improve its economic and political relations.

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