The Calendar Developed By The Sumerians Was Based On 2024

Sumerian Calendar Sumer, Sumerian, Calendar
Sumerian Calendar Sumer, Sumerian, Calendar from

The Origin of the Sumerian Calendar

The Sumerians were one of the earliest civilizations in human history, and they made remarkable contributions to the fields of mathematics, astronomy, and agriculture. They developed a sophisticated system of timekeeping that involved the use of a lunar calendar, which was based on the cycles of the Moon. This lunar calendar was later refined and expanded to become the Sumerian calendar, which was based on a year of 12 lunar months.

How the Sumerian Calendar Worked

The Sumerian calendar was based on a year of 360 days, which was divided into 12 lunar months of 30 days each. To account for the fact that the solar year is actually slightly longer than 360 days, the Sumerians added an extra month to their calendar every six years. This allowed them to keep their calendar in sync with the seasons and the agricultural cycles.

Why the Sumerian Calendar Was Significant

The Sumerian calendar was a significant achievement because it allowed the Sumerians to track the seasons and the agricultural cycles with remarkable accuracy. This was essential for their survival, as agriculture was the basis of their economy. The Sumerian calendar also served as the basis for many later calendars, including the Babylonian, Assyrian, and Hebrew calendars.

The Significance of 2024 in the Sumerian Calendar

According to some scholars, the Sumerian calendar was based on a cycle of 6,480 years, which was divided into 12 periods of 540 years each. Each of these periods was further divided into three sub-periods of 180 years each. The end of each sub-period was marked by a significant event, such as the rise of a new king or the completion of a major building project.

Based on this system, some scholars have suggested that the year 2024 marks the end of the current sub-period and the beginning of a new one. This has led to speculation about what this new era might bring, and whether it will be a time of great change and upheaval.

Question and Answer

Q: Does the Sumerian calendar still exist today?

A: No, the Sumerian calendar is no longer in use today. However, its legacy lives on in the many calendars that were based on it, including the Babylonian, Assyrian, and Hebrew calendars.

Q: Why did the Sumerians use a lunar calendar?

A: The Sumerians used a lunar calendar because they observed that the cycles of the Moon were closely related to the seasons and the agricultural cycles. By tracking the lunar cycles, they were able to predict when to plant and harvest their crops with remarkable accuracy.

Q: What was the significance of the Sumerian calendar?

A: The Sumerian calendar was significant because it allowed the Sumerians to track the seasons and the agricultural cycles with remarkable accuracy. This was essential for their survival, as agriculture was the basis of their economy.


The Sumerian calendar was a remarkable achievement that allowed one of the earliest civilizations in human history to track the seasons and the agricultural cycles with remarkable accuracy. Although the Sumerian calendar is no longer in use today, its legacy lives on in the many calendars that were based on it. The year 2024 marks the end of a sub-period in the Sumerian calendar, and some scholars have speculated about what this new era might bring. Regardless of what the future holds, the Sumerian calendar remains an important milestone in the history of human timekeeping.

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