Palm Desert High School Calendar 2024: Everything You Need To Know

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Palm Desert High School Angeles Contractor, Inc. from


If you’re a student or parent in the Palm Desert area, you’re likely curious about the Palm Desert High School calendar for 2024. With so many important dates and events to keep track of, it can be overwhelming to stay on top of it all. That’s why we’ve put together this comprehensive guide to help you stay informed and organized.

Important Dates and Events

When Does the School Year Start and End?

The Palm Desert High School calendar for 2024 will start on August 19th and end on June 6th. There will be a total of 180 instructional days, with breaks for holidays and vacations.

What Are the Major Holidays and Breaks?

The major holidays and breaks for the 2024 school year include Labor Day on September 2nd, Thanksgiving Break from November 25th to 29th, Winter Break from December 23rd to January 6th, Spring Break from April 6th to 10th, and Memorial Day on May 25th.

Are There Any Teacher Workdays or Professional Development Days?

Yes, there are several teacher workdays and professional development days throughout the school year. These days include August 14th and 15th, October 11th, January 20th, and March 20th.

Frequently Asked Questions

What Should I Do if I Miss a Day of School?

If you miss a day of school, it’s important to make up any missed work as soon as possible. You can talk to your teacher about getting extra help or tutoring if needed. It’s also important to communicate with your teachers and let them know if you’ll be absent for an extended period of time.

What Are Some Tips for Staying Organized During the School Year?

Staying organized during the school year can be a challenge, but there are several things you can do to make it easier. First, use a planner or calendar to keep track of important dates and assignments. Second, break large projects into smaller, more manageable tasks. Finally, prioritize your time and make sure you’re using it effectively.

How Can I Get Involved in Extracurricular Activities?

Palm Desert High School offers a wide range of extracurricular activities, including sports teams, music groups, and academic clubs. To get involved, talk to your guidance counselor or check out the school’s website for more information.

What Resources Are Available for Students Who Need Help?

If you’re struggling in school or need extra help, there are several resources available to you. These include tutoring programs, academic support groups, and counseling services. Talk to your guidance counselor or a trusted teacher for more information.


The Palm Desert High School calendar for 2024 is packed with important dates and events that students and parents need to be aware of. By staying organized and prioritizing your time, you can make the most of the school year and achieve your academic goals. Remember to take advantage of the resources available to you if you need extra help or support.

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