How To Sync Zoom With Outlook Calendar In 2024

Sync Calendar + Contacts with Microsoft Outlook YouTube
Sync Calendar + Contacts with Microsoft Outlook YouTube from


Zoom has become an essential tool for remote work, online meetings, and virtual events. It allows people to connect from anywhere in the world. Outlook Calendar, on the other hand, is a popular scheduling tool that helps people manage their appointments and meetings. In this article, we will discuss how to sync Zoom with Outlook Calendar in 2024.

Why Sync Zoom with Outlook Calendar?

Syncing Zoom with Outlook Calendar has many benefits. It allows you to schedule Zoom meetings directly from your Outlook Calendar. This saves time and ensures that you don’t forget to schedule a meeting. It also helps you avoid scheduling conflicts by showing you when you are already booked for another meeting. Additionally, syncing Zoom with Outlook Calendar allows you to join a meeting directly from your calendar without having to open the Zoom app.

How to Sync Zoom with Outlook Calendar

The process of syncing Zoom with Outlook Calendar is straightforward. Here are the steps:

  1. Open the Zoom web portal and sign in to your account.
  2. Click on “Settings” on the left-hand side menu.
  3. Click on “Calendar Integration” and then select “Outlook Calendar.”
  4. Click on “Connect” and sign in to your Outlook account.
  5. Follow the prompts to complete the integration.
  6. Once the integration is complete, you can schedule Zoom meetings directly from your Outlook Calendar by clicking on the “New Meeting” button.


Q: Do I need to have a paid Zoom account to sync it with Outlook Calendar?

A: No, you can sync your free Zoom account with Outlook Calendar.

Q: Can I sync Zoom with other calendar apps?

A: Yes, Zoom can be synced with other calendar apps such as Google Calendar and Apple Calendar.

Q: Can I join a Zoom meeting directly from my Outlook Calendar?

A: Yes, you can join a Zoom meeting directly from your Outlook Calendar by clicking on the meeting link.

Q: Will syncing Zoom with Outlook Calendar show my Zoom meetings to others on my calendar?

A: No, only you will be able to see your Zoom meetings on your calendar unless you choose to share your calendar with others.


Syncing Zoom with Outlook Calendar is a simple process that can save you time and help you avoid scheduling conflicts. It allows you to schedule Zoom meetings directly from your Outlook Calendar and join meetings with ease. By following the steps outlined in this article, you can easily sync Zoom with Outlook Calendar in 2024.

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