How To Share Google Calendar On Iphone In 2024

How To Share a Google Calendar and View Other Calendars
How To Share a Google Calendar and View Other Calendars from


Are you tired of missing important events and appointments because you forgot to check your calendar? Sharing your Google calendar on your iPhone can help you stay organized and on top of your schedule. In this article, we’ll walk you through the steps to share your Google calendar on your iPhone in the year 2024.

Step 1: Install Google Calendar App

The first step is to download and install the Google Calendar app on your iPhone. You can find it in the App Store by searching for “Google Calendar”. Once the app is installed, open it and sign in with your Google account.

Step 2: Share Your Calendar

To share your calendar, tap on the three horizontal lines in the top left corner of the app and select “Settings”. From there, select the calendar you want to share and then tap on “Share with specific people”.

Question: Can I share my calendar with anyone?

Answer: Yes, you can share your calendar with anyone by selecting “Make available to public” and then sharing the link.

Step 3: Add People to Share With

You can add people to share your calendar with by entering their email address or selecting them from your contacts. You can also choose the level of access they have to your calendar, such as “Make changes and manage sharing” or “See only free/busy (hide details)”.

Question: Can I remove someone’s access to my calendar?

Answer: Yes, you can remove someone’s access to your calendar by going back to the “Share with specific people” page and tapping on the X next to their name.

Step 4: View Shared Calendars

To view a calendar that has been shared with you, tap on the three horizontal lines in the top left corner of the app and select “Settings”. From there, select “Add calendar” and then enter the email address of the person who shared the calendar with you.

Question: Can I only view shared calendars on the Google Calendar app?

Answer: No, you can also view shared calendars on other calendar apps that support the iCalendar format, such as Apple’s Calendar app.

Step 5: Manage Calendar Sharing

You can manage your calendar sharing settings by going back to the “Settings” page and selecting “Manage shared calendars”. From there, you can see who has access to your calendar and change their access level or remove their access entirely.

Question: Will changes I make to my calendar be reflected on the calendars of those I’ve shared it with?

Answer: Yes, any changes you make to your calendar will be reflected on the calendars of those you’ve shared it with, as long as they have the appropriate access level.


Sharing your Google calendar on your iPhone can help you stay organized and keep track of important events and appointments. By following these simple steps in 2024, you can easily share your calendar with others and manage your calendar sharing settings.

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