How To Share Calendar On Mac 2024: A Step-By-Step Guide

How to share iCloud calendars
How to share iCloud calendars from


Sharing calendars on Mac is an essential feature, especially for those who want to keep track of their schedule with friends, family, or colleagues. In this article, we will guide you through the process of sharing calendars on your Mac in 2024. We will cover everything from setting up the calendar to inviting people to view it. So, if you’re ready, let’s get started!

Step 1: Set up iCloud Calendar

The first step to sharing your calendar on Mac is to set up iCloud Calendar. To do this, open the Calendar app on your Mac and click on “Calendar” in the menu bar. From there, select “Preferences” and then click on the “Accounts” tab. Next, click on the “+” button to add your iCloud account. Type in your Apple ID and password, and then click on “Create.” Your iCloud Calendar will now be set up on your Mac.

Question: What is iCloud Calendar?

iCloud Calendar is a feature provided by Apple that allows you to store and access your calendar events across all your Apple devices. It is a cloud-based service that syncs your calendar events in real-time.

Step 2: Create a New Calendar

Now that you have set up iCloud Calendar, it’s time to create a new calendar. To do this, click on the “File” menu in the menu bar and select “New Calendar.” Give your new calendar a name, and then choose where you want to save it. You can save it on your Mac or in iCloud. Once you have created your new calendar, it will appear in the sidebar of the Calendar app.

Step 3: Share Your Calendar

The next step is to share your calendar with others. To do this, right-click on the calendar you want to share in the sidebar and select “Share Calendar.” A window will appear, and you can then enter the email addresses of the people you want to invite. You can also select the level of access you want to give them. You can choose to give them “View Only” access, “View and Edit” access, or “Delegate” access.

Question: What is the difference between “View Only” and “View and Edit” access?

“View Only” access allows the person you invite to view your calendar but not make any changes to it. “View and Edit” access, on the other hand, allows the person you invite to view your calendar and make changes to it, such as adding or deleting events.

Step 4: Accept or Decline Invitations

Once you have sent out invitations, the people you have invited will receive an email with a link to your calendar. They can then accept or decline the invitation. If they accept, your calendar will appear in their Calendar app, and they will be able to view it according to the level of access you gave them.

Step 5: Manage Your Shared Calendar

Now that you have shared your calendar with others, you can manage it by making changes to the access level or removing people from the list of invitees. To do this, right-click on the calendar in the sidebar and select “Get Info.” From there, you can make changes to the access level or remove people from the list of invitees.

Question: Can I share multiple calendars with different people?

Yes, you can share multiple calendars with different people. Just follow the same process for each calendar you want to share.


Sharing calendars on Mac is a straightforward process that can be done in just a few steps. With this guide, you can easily share your calendar with friends, family, or colleagues and stay on top of your schedule. So, go ahead and give it a try!

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