How To Delete Recurring Events In Iphone Calendar 2024

How to Delete, Update or add event in iPhone calendar iOS 10 HowToiSolve
How to Delete, Update or add event in iPhone calendar iOS 10 HowToiSolve from


Are you struggling to delete recurring events in your iPhone calendar? Do you find it frustrating to delete multiple events one by one? Well, worry no more because we have got you covered. In this article, we will guide you on how to delete recurring events in your iPhone calendar for the year 2024.

Why Delete Recurring Events?

Recurring events are useful when you have daily, weekly, or monthly events that happen at the same time. However, there may be instances where you want to delete these recurring events. For example, if you have a weekly meeting that has been canceled for the rest of the year, you may want to delete all the occurrences at once.

How to Delete a Single Event

Before we dive into deleting recurring events, let’s first understand how to delete a single event. To delete a single event, follow these simple steps:

  1. Open the Calendar app on your iPhone
  2. Tap on the event that you want to delete
  3. Tap on the “Delete Event” option
  4. Confirm the deletion by tapping on “Delete Event” again

How to Delete Recurring Events

To delete recurring events, follow these steps:

  1. Open the Calendar app on your iPhone
  2. Tap on the recurring event that you want to delete
  3. Tap on the “Edit” option
  4. Scroll down and tap on the “Delete Event” option
  5. Select the option to delete “This Event Only” or “All Future Events”
  6. Confirm the deletion by tapping on “Delete” or “Delete All”

Question and Answer

Q: Can I delete a single occurrence of a recurring event?

A: Yes, you can delete a single occurrence of a recurring event by following the same steps as deleting a single event. Instead of tapping on “Delete Event”, tap on “Delete This Event” when prompted.

Q: Will deleting a recurring event delete all instances of the event?

A: It depends on the option you select when prompted. Selecting “This Event Only” will only delete the selected occurrence, while selecting “All Future Events” will delete all occurrences of the event from that point forward.

Q: Can I undo a deleted recurring event?

A: No, once you delete a recurring event, it cannot be undone. You will have to manually recreate the event if you want it back in your calendar.


Deleting recurring events in your iPhone calendar can be a daunting task, but with these simple steps, you can delete them with ease. Whether it’s a daily meeting or a monthly reminder, you can now delete them with just a few clicks. So, go ahead and clean up your calendar by deleting those unnecessary recurring events.

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