How To Change Calendar Color On Mac 2024

How to Change Calendar Color in iOS and macOS carson wentz
How to Change Calendar Color in iOS and macOS carson wentz from


Mac users have always appreciated the convenience of using the Calendar app. It’s a great way to keep track of important events, meetings, and appointments. One of the features that make the Calendar app even better is the ability to change the color of events. This feature allows you to easily distinguish between different types of events and keep things organized. In this article, we will show you how to change calendar color on Mac 2024.

Step-by-Step Guide

Step 1: Open the Calendar App

The first step is to open the Calendar app on your Mac. You can do this by clicking on the Calendar icon in your dock or by searching for it in Spotlight. Once the app is open, you will see all your events for the day or month.

Step 2: Choose an Event

Next, you need to choose an event that you want to change the color of. You can do this by clicking on the event in the calendar view or by selecting it from the list on the right-hand side of the app.

Step 3: Click on the Color Option

After selecting the event, click on the color option located under the event name. A drop-down menu with different color options will appear.

Step 4: Choose a New Color

Now, select a new color for the event from the drop-down menu. You can choose from the pre-defined colors or create a custom color by clicking on “Other” at the bottom of the list.

Step 5: Apply the New Color

Finally, click on the “Done” button to apply the new color to the event. The event will now appear in the calendar with the new color you selected.


Q: Can I change the color of multiple events at once?

A: Yes, you can change the color of multiple events at once by selecting them while holding down the Command key. Once you have selected all the events you want to change the color of, follow the same steps as above to change the color.

Q: How do I change the default color for all events?

A: To change the default color for all events, go to the Calendar app’s preferences by clicking on “Calendar” in the menu bar and selecting “Preferences”. Then, click on the “General” tab and choose a new default color from the “Default Calendar Color” dropdown menu.

Q: Can I change the color of a calendar instead of an event?

A: Yes, you can change the color of a calendar by right-clicking on it in the calendar list on the left-hand side of the app and selecting “Get Info”. Then, click on the “Color” tab and choose a new color from the dropdown menu.


Changing the color of events in the Calendar app is a simple but effective way to keep things organized. By following the steps outlined in this article, you can easily change the color of your events on your Mac. Whether you want to color-code your work and personal events or just make your calendar more visually appealing, this feature is a great way to do it.

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