How To Add Classes To Google Calendar 2024

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How to Add Classes to Google Calendar 2024

Google Calendar is a great tool that can help you keep track of your schedule and manage your time effectively. If you are a student, you can use Google Calendar to add your classes and assignments to your schedule. Here’s how to add classes to Google Calendar 2024:

Step 1: Create a New Calendar

The first step in adding classes to Google Calendar is to create a new calendar for your classes. To do this, click on the “+” button next to “My calendars” on the left-hand side of the screen. Then, select “New calendar” from the dropdown menu.

Step 2: Name Your Calendar

Next, you need to give your new calendar a name. You could name it “Classes” or something more specific like “Fall 2024 Classes”. Once you have named your calendar, click on “Create calendar”.

Step 3: Add Your Classes

Now that you have created a new calendar for your classes, you can start adding your classes to it. To do this, click on the day and time that your class begins on the calendar. Then, click on “Edit event” in the popup window that appears.

Step 4: Add Class Details

You will now be taken to the event details page. Here, you can add all the details for your class, such as the class name, location, and any notes or reminders you want to include. You can also set the event to repeat if your class occurs on a regular schedule.

Step 5: Save Your Class

Once you have added all the details for your class, click on “Save” to add it to your calendar. You can repeat this process for all your classes, adding each one to your new “Classes” calendar.

Question: Can I Share My Class Schedule with Others?

Yes, you can share your class schedule with others by making your “Classes” calendar public or sharing it with specific people. To do this, click on the calendar settings icon next to your “Classes” calendar and select “Share with specific people” or “Make available to public”.

Question: Can I Access My Class Schedule on My Phone?

Yes, you can access your class schedule on your phone by downloading the Google Calendar app. Once you have the app, sign in with your Google account and your “Classes” calendar will be synced to your phone.


Adding your classes to Google Calendar is a simple and effective way to keep track of your schedule. By following these steps, you can easily add all your classes to your calendar and stay organized throughout the semester.

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