Beer Advent Calendar Costco 2024: Everything You Need To Know

beer advent calendar costco 2021
beer advent calendar costco 2021 from


It’s that time of year again, and Costco has just released its highly anticipated Beer Advent Calendar for 2024. Craft beer enthusiasts, rejoice! This festive calendar is the perfect way to count down to Christmas while enjoying a different beer each day. In this article, we will take a closer look at what you can expect from the Beer Advent Calendar Costco 2024.

What is a Beer Advent Calendar?

A Beer Advent Calendar is a festive box containing 24 different beers, one for each day leading up to Christmas. It’s a perfect way to try out new beers and discover new breweries. Each beer comes in a 330ml can or bottle, and the selection includes a variety of beer styles, such as IPA, stout, lager, and more.

What makes the Beer Advent Calendar Costco 2024 special?

The Beer Advent Calendar Costco 2024 is special because it features a carefully curated selection of craft beers from around the world. Costco has teamed up with some of the best breweries in the business to bring you a unique and exciting selection of beers. The calendar also includes some exclusive brews that you won’t find anywhere else.

What is the cost of the Beer Advent Calendar Costco 2024?

The cost of the Beer Advent Calendar Costco 2024 is $99.99. This may seem like a high price, but when you consider that you are getting 24 different craft beers, it’s actually a great value. Plus, it’s a fun and unique way to celebrate the holiday season.

What is the alcohol content of the beers in the calendar?

The alcohol content of the beers in the calendar varies. Some beers have a lower alcohol content, while others have a higher alcohol content. The average alcohol content of the beers in the calendar is around 6%. However, there are some beers that have an alcohol content of over 10%, so be sure to drink responsibly.

What kind of beers can you expect to find in the calendar?

The Beer Advent Calendar Costco 2024 features a wide variety of beer styles, including IPA, stout, lager, wheat beer, and more. Some of the breweries featured in the calendar include Stone Brewing, Lagunitas Brewing Company, and BrewDog. You can expect to find some classic beers, as well as some unique and experimental brews.

Are there any gluten-free beers in the calendar?

Yes, there are some gluten-free beers in the calendar. Costco has made an effort to include a variety of beers to suit different dietary needs and preferences. Some of the gluten-free beers in the calendar include Omission IPA and Glutenberg Belgian Double.

Where can I buy the Beer Advent Calendar Costco 2024?

The Beer Advent Calendar Costco 2024 is available exclusively at Costco stores. You can find it in the beer and wine section of your local Costco. It’s important to note that the calendar is only available for a limited time, and once it’s sold out, it’s gone.

Can I pre-order the Beer Advent Calendar Costco 2024?

Unfortunately, you cannot pre-order the Beer Advent Calendar Costco 2024. However, you can sign up for email notifications to be alerted when the calendar becomes available in stores.


The Beer Advent Calendar Costco 2024 is the perfect gift for the craft beer lover in your life, or for yourself. With its carefully curated selection of beers from around the world, it’s a fun and unique way to celebrate the holiday season. So head to your local Costco and pick up a Beer Advent Calendar today!

Are you excited to try out the Beer Advent Calendar Costco 2024? Let us know in the comments below!

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